Tours and Activities:
Tatio Geysers, a Visit at Dawn
Pablo Etchevers Cristina SabaliauskasOnly 98 kilometers to the Northeast of San Pedro de Atacama there is a place that becomes magic at dawn: the Tatio Geysers. A must visit.

Most of us have not completely woken up yet while we are getting on the shuttle. The ritual is repeated every day at dawn.
Once we have traveled the almost 100 kilometers of winding road, the dark night begins to give way to the first sunbeams appearing behind the large mountains that witness the scene. The idea is to get there before the sun rises. The guides rush to park the trucks in order to start hiking through the darkness, watched by the majestic presence of the Tatio Volcano.
The cold sunrise is felt by all visitors who, protected by warm clothes and jackets, begin to get off the 4WD vehicles to slowly approach the group of fumaroles watched at first sight.

Playing Hide and Seek
Located at over 4 thousand meters of height, the steam, rich in minerals, springs from the rocks through large natural cracks generating a magical postcard.
This geothermal field, which is named after the volcano, is visited by hundreds of tourists from all over the world every day. They come along to have a picture taken by the fumaroles, the geysers and the hot springs that lie within a radio of 5 kilometers. Thus, people wander about the place without following a fixed circuit.

It is curious to see that everyone enjoys the same game: appearing and disappearing through the large columns of steam and gases the earth lets out, which sometimes surpass the ten meters of height.
The tours continue at the natural hot springs located in the surroundings. Now, the unquestionable presence of the sun up in the sky indicates it is time to put on our bathing suits, get into the warm waters and relax.

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