Seven Cities an entire country

Seven Cities an entire country

See the destinations most requested by our visitors. Iquique, La Serena, Santiago, Viña del Mar, Pucón, Puerto Varas and Puerto Natales.
The best way of touring Chile.

Ski Resorts

Ski Resorts

We present the most outstanding Chilean winter resorts, their main features, trails, infrastructure and services, as well as the news about each season.

This winter, enjoy the snow in Chile, visit: Portillo, La Parva , Valle Nevado, El Colorado, Nevados de Chillán, Pucón and Antillanca.

Welcome Chile News
Hotels in Chile

Hotels in Chile

Where to Sleep is the most visited section in Welcome Chile online tourist guide. Here you will access a list of accommodation venues in each city classified according to category and type: hotels, boutique hotels, cabins, tourist resorts, inns, apart hotels, hostels and other lodging alternatives.

See all hotels in Chile sorted by city.


Museums in Chile

Museums in Chile

The museums preserve the cultural heritage of their community, a live treasure made up not only by the assets and the manifestations of its past, but also by the ways the new generations interpret such past.

See all Museums in Chile sorted by region.


Photos of Chile

Photos of Chile

For several decades, photography has performed a leading role when it comes to organizing a trip, just as when we want to share it with our family, friends and acquaintances on our way back. In Welcome Chile you will find the best Photo Galleries in each of the cities and all their tourist attractions, both nearby and distant. You may start planning your trip at this section along with the daily work done by our photographers. Choose one photo gallery and start getting your trip ready.

Adventure Travel

Adventure Travel

Along its vast geography, Chile is one of the most popular world sceneries chosen by lovers of adventure travel to experience a challenge. Featuring multiple and varied landscapes, the desert, the undulated valleys, the mountains and volcanoes, the Pacific Ocean with its fjords and islands and, of course, its paradisiacal Patagonia invite visitors to climb, fly, paddle, ride, cycle and hike around the wonderful natural circuits this country has to offer.


SEE Museums

Chile`s past and present on a tour around its museological institutions.