La Parva

La ParvaSki season 2021 La Parva

La Parva ski resort is located in Barnechea mountain range and, along with El Colorado and Valle Nevado, it represents the largest skiable surface in South America.

La Parva boasts 38 kilometers distributed into 30 long and varied trails, specially created for all ski varieties and which may join the resort with the Valle Nevado trails.

Reaching 2,700 meters of height and lying just 50 kilometers away from the capital of the country, La Parva ski resort features a unique panoramic view of Santiago de Chile that displays the valley and the real size of this beautiful city.
Its lifts cover 9,673 meters of the venue, which enables visitors to ski on trails where the sun shines all through the day.
An offer that includes impeccable accommodation, great cuisine, equipment rental and ski school is guaranteed.

La Parva

Usefull Data

How to Get There:
Situated 50 km to the East of Santiago, snow chains are mandatory in the winter, when the traffic is only authorized uphill from 8am to 2pm and downhill from 2pm to 8pm, obviously at a very low speed.

High season:
Weekends, public holidays, July and August.

Low season:
The rest of the year.

Ski, snowboarding, heli-skiing.

Accommodation, transportation, restaurants, entertainment, medical assistance, disco, ski school and equipment rental.

La Parva

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