Ski School

La Parva Ski School

La Parva has 50 national and foreign high-level instructors, with technical classes for the various modalities and levels, which range from beginners to competition skiing.

The school opens from Monday to Sunday at 9am in the Parva Chica and Golondrina runs, where both individual and group classes are dictated for kids and grown-ups.

Likewise, the so-called escort ski, in which an instructor escorts a group of 8 students along the runs and corrects their techniques.

Beginners may take group classes which include a one-day ticket in the low fields.

The mini-school for kids between 5 and 12 years old is directed by instructors who teach the ski fundamentals and enhancement techniques. There are half-day programs which include lift tickets, and all-day programs which include both a snack and the tickets.

55 min. (1 hour)
115 min. (2 hours)
175 min. (3 hours)
6 hours
8 hours
Adicional People

2 hours

All day
Half day
Baby School

Note: The rates, expressed in Chilean Pesos, have been provided by the ski resort, responsible for any modification without prior notice. We recommend that you check the rates before making a reservation.

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