Frutillar is a lake city situated in the Lake District, on the west shore of Lake Llanquihue. It lies 25 kilometers away from Puerto Varas, 19 from Llanquihue and 1,000 kilometers away from the City of Santiago. To reach Frutillar, travelers must go along Autopista de los Lagos (the Lakes Highway) or Route 5 up to the 1,000th kilometer marker and then take the beltway.
The first houses in the city were raised around the bay by the early settlers, who devoted their lives to agriculture and cattle raising. Frutillar stands between Puerto Montt and Osorno, which favored local commerce and the prosperity of the village. Afterwards, the first German immigrants, who left a deep imprint on the local traditions and architecture, settled down in the area.
The city waterfront is populated by ancient houses featuring German architecture and a yacht club for lovers of nautical activities. Visitors are delighted by the views of Lake Llanquihue surrounded by the Osorno, Puntiagudo, Tronador and Calbuco Volcanoes.
The cuisine of Frutillar deserves a special mention. The German gastronomic traditions have settled down in the Lake District: travelers may taste them at the various tea houses.
The German Colonial Museum is another local attraction. This park-museum with ancient trees, gardens and ponds is a living tribute to the first German families who occupied the area in the mid-nineteenth century. Most of the objects in the museum were donated by the local families.
Parque Nativo Forestal is a mandatory tour. Specially created to preserve the tree and bush species of the native forests, the park, also known as “Memory Park”, is maintained with the support of the University of Chile through the Agricultural and Forest Sciences College.
Once a year, Frutillar dresses to celebrate their Musical Weeks, main tourist event in the city.
Holidaymakers who wish to relax and enjoy quietness will find in Frutillar an exceptional site blessed with fabulous lakes, volcanoes and an exquisite cuisine.