We sailed in circles to observe the beaches where the sea lions huge bodies lay sunbathing and enjoying laziness while the birds hovered above them.
We continued sailing towards Magdalena Island, where we caught a glimpse of Magellanic penguins. Ever since 1982, they have been considered Natural Monument, as an increasing number of couples of these sea birds has remained there between October and March.
The circuit ends with a visit to the lighthouse, an environmental interpretation center with an exceptional view. Inside it, visitors may learn about the history of the region and the ecologic importance of the groups of subjects populating the islands, including mammals and birds.
We sailed for over three hours around this area as we admired the varied southern geography. Eventually, we returned to Laredo Bay. A splendid outing indeed.
Hotels in
Punta Arenas
Duration3 hours 15 minutes
Tour typewildlife mapping.
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How to get therethe tour includes transportation to and from the offices of the operator.
Opening hoursJust check in at 6:50 Expeditions. Previously confirmed by telephone.
Bear in mindThe output is subject to weather conditions. You are advised to wear warm waterproof clothing, hiking boots or rubber boots, hat and gloves