History of Puyuhuapi

Back in 1941, two boats arrived in the bay. One of them was a battle ship and the other one a passenger boat. Both soldiers and civilians approached the beach where the inhabitants of town were already gathered.

All those dwellers of German origin were taken into the boat to be questioned. Afterwards, they learned that an order to find out what the foreigners were doing at these confines of the country had arrived from the capital of Chile: Santiago.

According to the subsequent events, it was believed that the citizens of Puyuhuapi would supply German submarines with food, radio equipments and weapons. The truth was that before the war, it was usual that they should receive German goods and machinery for the development of the town.

The questioning finished and all this turned into an anecdote that in turn became a kind of legend. Some locals still say that those submarines were once in the zone, as if this was a fact.

Starting at this belief, countless fables emerged. They still circulate among the adults in town, who assume that many personal or community situations were related to the submarine that would still be sailing in the fjord.
